The Garden Art

A place to relax and eat under the blue sky

Our Mediterranean garden offers an opportunity for leisurely enjoyment in the depths of colour, fragrances and sounds of nature, all blended with art whose touch is present everywhere. We have opted for an unconventional approach when designing our garden space so it is at the same time playful and serene, with a hammock and casual garden beds randomly left for shady repose amid lemon and orange trees, tangerines, pomegranates, fig and almond trees, an olive grove, a walnut and a cherry tree, a peach and laurel bushes, aloe and strawberry trees, myrtle, lavender, rosemary, palm trees, roses and various flowers and an organic garden of vegetables and herbs.

The garden has 4 enclosed grills, 2 outer showers, an 80 m2 „Terrace under Pergola“, a 30m2 „Aurora Terrace“ and a 20m2 „Bougainvillea Terrace“. The property is accessible from an asphalted road and has a private parking space for up to 7 cars.

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